Auction 15 Lot No. 279Closed!!
Victoria, China War Silver Medal, 29.89gm, 1900 AD, Obv. Portrait bust of Queen Victoria, Rev. Trophy of arms; CHINA 1900 inscribed below, MYB 158. Very Fine+, Rare.
Estimate : ₹5000 - ₹6000
Auction Closed!
Sold for ₹5500

Auction 15 Lot No. 280Closed!!
Edward VII Coronation Medal, Copper, 80.62gm, bust of the emperor to right on obv., bust of Queen Alexandra to right on rev., 9th August 1902 (Eimer 1871a). Within original box of issue. Uncirculated, Very Scarce.
Estimate : ₹6000 - ₹7000
Auction Closed!
Sold for ₹6000

Auction 15 Lot No. 281Closed!!
Edward VII, 9th August 1902, coronation medal Bronze 81.58gm, Obv. Crowned bust of Edward VII facing right, Rev. Crowned bust of Queen Alexandra facing right. Extremely Fine, Very Scarce.
Estimate : ₹5000 - ₹6000
Auction Closed!

Auction 15 Lot No. 282Closed!!
Bahawalpur, Victory Star Copper Medal, 1939-45, 19.91gm, Obv. a five-pointed star with a star and crescent within a holding, with Persian legend Nusrat 1939-45, Rev. Blank, T Mc 18. Extremely Fine, Scarce.
Estimate : ₹3000 - ₹3500
Auction Closed!
Sold for ₹3000

Auction 15 Lot No. 283Closed!!
France, Mahatma Gandhi Bronze Medal, 157.00 gm, ND (1948), Obv. Gandhi portrait bust facing to Right, Rev. Heart shape inside circle of letterings, legend AIMER.SAVOIR.COMPRENDRE.VOVLOIR.OSER.MEDITER. around. Extremely Fine, Rare.
Estimate : ₹6000 - ₹7000
Auction Closed!
Sold for ₹6000

Auction 15 Lot No. 284Closed!!
Germany, Mahatma Gandhi Bronze Medal, 54.03gm, (1986), B. H. Mayer Mint, Obv. Gandhi portrait bust facing to Right, Rev. Pigeon with leaf legend below. Extremely Fine, Rare.
Estimate : ₹4000 - ₹5000
Auction Closed!

Auction 15 Lot No. 285Closed!!
India, Mahatma Gandhi Bronze Medal, 48.52gm, 1969, Obv. Gandhi portrait bust facing to Right, Rev. A man spins charka around hindi legend (I want to work for India in which the poor feel that it They have their own country.) Extremely Fine, Rare.
Estimate : ₹5000 - ₹6000
Auction Closed!

Auction 15 Lot No. 286Closed!!
Medals & tokens MedalsSILVER
Italy Italo-Turkish War 1911 1912 Silver Commemorative Medal, 16.87gm, Obv. Bust of king facing to right, Rev. inscribed ‘GUERRA ITALO-TURCA 1911-12’ within a circular laurel wreath. Extremely Fine, Rare.
Estimate : ₹8000 - ₹10000
Auction Closed!

Auction 15 Lot No. 287Closed!!
Italy, Mahatma Gandhi Silver Medal, 50 th Anniversary of Mahtma Gandhi 30 JANUARY 1998, 15.80gm, Obv. Portrait bust of mahatma Gandhi, Rev. Gandhiji during salt march. Extremely Fine, Very Scarce.
Estimate : ₹4000 - ₹5000
Auction Closed!
Sold for ₹4000

Auction 15 Lot No. 288Closed!!
Portugal, Mahatma Gandhi Bronze Medal, 155.33gm, 1948, Obv. Gandhi portrait bust facing to Right, Rev. Ahimsa - sathyagraha - seva/ Mahatma Bapu and Two elephants with a symbol in center, around legend Puro como o Cristal, Meigo como o Cordeiro, e Bravo como o Leao, lettering V.MORATALLA & CA, BRONZE. 192 on edge. Extremely Fine, Rare.
Estimate : ₹6000 - ₹8000
Auction Closed!

Auction 15 Lot No. 289Closed!!
Portugal, Mahatma Gandhi Bronze Medal, 128gm, ND (1968), Obv. Gandhi portrait bust facing to left, Engraver name Cabral Antunes in small next to portrait, Engraver name in small next to portrait. Rev. MOHANDAS KARAMCHAD GANDHI, CHEFE RELIGIOSO DA INDIA, N EM 1869 E M EM 1948. ASSASSINADO POR UM FANATICO HINDU.- O POVO CONHECIA - O POR “MAHATMA” (GRANDE ALMA). USANDO COMP ARMA A NAO VIOLEN-CIA ORGANIZOU UM MOVIMENTO DE MASSAS QUE LEVOU A INDIA A INDEPENDENCIA. PELA SUA DIGNIDADE MORAL, NASCIDA DE UMA PROFUNDA RELIGIOSIDADE, TORNOU-SE UMA FIGURA DE PROJECCAO MUNDIAL. Extremely Fine, Rare. Mintage number 449/500 on edge. Mintage only 500 pcs
Estimate : ₹5000 - ₹6000
Auction Closed!

Auction 15 Lot No. 290Closed!!
Portugal, Mahatma Gandhi Bronze Medal, 154.02gm, (1975), Obv. Gandhi portrait bust facing, Rev. Map of India , flag & temple, around legend LUTOU SEM PERFIDIA SEM FALSIDADE E SEM ODIO, Mintage number 390 - 500 on edge. Mintage only 500 pcs. Extremely Fine, Rare.
Estimate : ₹6000 - ₹8000
Auction Closed!

Auction 15 Lot No. 291Closed!!
Portugal, Mahatma Gandhi Bronze Medal, 148.10gm, (1975), Obv. Gandhi portrait bust facing, Rev. Map of India, flag & temple, around legend LUTOU SEM PERFIDIA SEM FALSIDADE E SEM ODIO, Mintage number 298 - 500 on edge. Mintage only 500 pcs. Extremely Fine, Rare.
Estimate : ₹6000 - ₹8000
Auction Closed!

Auction 15 Lot No. 292Closed!!
Sikkim, Silver Medal, 27.31gm, Obv. Palden Thondup Namgyal written in English with coat of arms dated 4 April 1965, Rev. Surrounding legend with the mountain. Extremely Fine, Very Rare.
Estimate : ₹4000 - ₹4500
Auction Closed!
Sold for ₹10300

Auction 15 Lot No. 293Closed!!
South Africa, King George V and Queen Mary, Silver Jubilee Bronze Medal, 14.80gm, AD 1935, Obv. Conjoined busts of the King and Queen facing to left, Rev. coat of arms of the Union of South Africa with motto: UNITAE EX VIRES. Extremely Fine, Scarce.
Estimate : ₹4000 - ₹4500
Auction Closed!